
Flying high…

Over Amsterdam the pilot just announced!

I am on my way to Sweden from London and its has been an adventure that I can not even explain. Tons of awareness during Garys Level 2&3.

I have been working through the whole class, met so many people. Been creating more and more all the time. There was so much energy in this class, could not have guessed that there would be as much things going on in this class as there was.

In a couple of days of to Venice for facilitators training and ESB & SOP. That sounds so funny and if you have never heard it before, wonder what you think I am saying…. let me explain. 
Dain Heer has 3 core classes with energetic body work. One is called Being You, Changing the world and anybody can come to the class. No pre-requisites. Then we have ESB = energetic synthesis of Being (pre-req Bars, Foundation & Level 1) and SOP = Symphony of Possibilities (pre-req Bars, F&L1 and Level 2&3).
Well on the 23rd the ESB class starts in Venice and I am so excited, I have been to lots of them and every time life changing for me!

And I am ready for so much MORE!

During Level 2&3 I was asked if I would like to coordinate more with the languages for the classes. And I said yes and some parts of it I have been doing already with the classes I have been hosting. And I also can perceive that we can create more for the different countries.

I am excited and lots more coming!!

I am also going to take on another project and soon more details about that. Steve and Chutisa Bowman have asked for help to coordinate some cool stuff they are doing and I just adore them so much and learn so much from them.

I am so grateful for my life and it keeps getting richer and more expansive for every day. And its uncomfortable… 

I have lately looked more what I would like to create and generate in my life and gotten aware of the energy and started looking at energies, point of views that I am keeping in place that limit it all and as well what or who I am not willing to loose that keeps me limited as well. 

I am on an adventure beyond what I can imagine and will challenge me more every day choosing and doing new stuff. I do not desire the same life over and over again and if I don't
choose to do thing different what do you think will show up? the same or different?

A week a ago Ricky Williams and I facilitated our first 2,5 days "FASTER CHANGE NOW" and it was in Copenhagen! Super cool and exciting   people showed up. We were over 70 people for the intro, an incredible dynamic energy and it has been so inspiring to receive so much feedback from an intro.
When people come together and aim for a certain energy… its like a catalyst! expansion!!!

We have had quite a few requests to buy the recordings and you just have to send me an email: lisen.bengtsson@me.com
$55 for the evening $550 for the whole weekend.

Now on saturday I have a FACELIFTING class in Helsingborg, its such a nurturing and caring energy for our bodies. You learn a technic the changes the aging of your cells. I wish everybody would know this, its fascinating what begins to change in bodies!!! Many directly see change in their faces and when then continue receiving this… there are no limits. Of course if you decide things can NOT change… guess what? Things will not change.

If you would like to know more about the class:

Hugs Lisen